Recognize the Symptoms

Covering the Children with Prayer

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” 3 John 1:2

Good health.

‘Tis the season for many a thing and one thing is illness. People rushing about to get flu shots. Doping up on cough syrups. If you’re like my household, pulling up home remedies and stocking up on teas, honey, and herbs. All that coupled with the power of prayer for comfort and relief from the symptoms.


A symptom is a sign that and illness exists.

Let’s say that again. It’s a sign that the illness is there or trying to overcome you.

God does not promise healing simply because we ask, but he does require and ask for faith. Faith and works overcomes! Christmas time is often revered as a time of give and take and being a kind person. Jesus was born and this began the process of Jesus paving the path of righteousness with faith and works.

Stress. Obstacles. Attack. These are symptoms that Satan is trying to keep you from the very thing God has set aside for you. He doesn’t want you to achieve it! Symptoms of spiritual warfare.

December is set aside as a day of observing the coming of the messiah to show us true sacrifice, faith, and works are possible and alive today evermore.

While we prepare to fight these symptoms of illness, let’s battle these fires with the word. Just like we prepare with preventative shots and meds, let’s prepare for battle against the devil trying to overcome our thought life. The bible is our preventative measure against what snares the devil sets before us.

‘Tis the season to keep up the army lines against the enemy! It’s the season for prevention of stolen goods, our relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Recognize the symptoms.

Let’s pray.

Dear God,

I pray for all the children all over the world. I pray they recognize the symptoms of their worth trying to be snatched away. I pray they know they are a power force in the Kingdom. I pray they suit with preparation, the Word. I pray good health over them, both physical and spiritual. May the Word guide them with confidence to step into Your plan. In Jesus name, Amen.